What We Do
The practice at 7 Callary Road, looks after the dental and orthodontic needs of infants, children and adolescents. Special Needs Patients are cared for irrespective of age.The practice is limited to Paediatric Dental Care. We therefore welcome patients aged 0-16 years. All categories catered for - ranging from those with significant dental problems to those who require routine dental maintenance. We work with a Specialist Paediatric Anasethetic Team to manage patients using Oral and IV Sedation, General Anaesthetic and Nitrous Oxide when needed. This takes place in an on site Out Patient Operating Theatre Suite.
Dr.Tuite's Specialist Paediatric Dental training was undertaken at The Childrens' Hospital Columbus, Ohio and The Ohio Stare University.
At the practice we manage children in an extremely child friendly environment and setting. Our chief consideration is for comfort and calmness at each child’s dental visit. It is our intention to carry out treatment in a manner reflecting the age, needs coping abilities of each patient. We know that the early experiences at the dentist are those a child will carry throughout their life. We take this as a tremendous responsibility and view the long term outcome of a child’s interaction in the dental setting with greatest sincerity.
We encourage Parents to establish a Dental Home for their First Child at age 1. In this first visit there is an opportunity to establish and advise on safe eating and drinking habits, learn some brushing techniques and establish boundaries for non nutritive sucking habits eg soothers, blankets etc
Routine Dental Check ups
This involves a visit with the Dental Hygienist for scale and polish and oral hygiene instruction .The patient then sees Dr.Tuite for dental examination and orthodontic assessment. Dr.Tuite then discusses the findings with parent. A treatment plan and costing is established for any further treatment needs.
Restorative Treatment
Those with treatment needs are scheduled for management based on assessment of their coping abilities. Therefore some patients will have restorative treatment using
- Local Anaesthetic only
- Oral Sedation and Local Anaesthetic under supervision of Consultant Paediatric Anaesthetist
- General Anaesthetic in the on site Day Care Theatre
Orthodontic Treatment
Each child is assessed regarding their overall dental and facial development by Dr.Tuite at every check up appointment.
The practice philosophy is strongly towards Non Extraction Orthodontics.
This begins with the active management of the primary dentition so as to maintain the first teeth in their correct postions acting as guidance for the second set of teeth. Where primary teeth must be extracted prematurely consideration is given to space maintainers to replace the function of the missing teeth.
Early Interceptive Orthodontic Treatment assists the growth and development of the jaws and begins the process of tooth alignment.
This is known as Phase 1 Orthodontic Treatment
Phase 2 Orthodontics starts when patients are in or almost in the adult dentition state.
We offer a full range of orthodontic treatment and provide aesthetic braces and a large range of colours and designs for each individual to customize their appliances.
Aesthetic Dentistry
It is a strong focus of the treatment protocols to respect dental aesthetics and provide tooth coloured treatments where possible. Therefore the majority of fillings are tooth coloured. Where crowns are used in the primary dentition we use the veneered white faced ones where practical and possible. Dr.Tuite respects the desires of parents and patients in this regard.
Over recent years many patients have availed of replacement teeth for extracted primary incisors. This appliance is known as the Pedipartial. These little prostheses have proved very popular with many patients and have contributed to their personal and social development.
On Site General Anaesthetic
We are extremely fortunate to have on site an Operating Theatre Suite which allows for the administration of General Anaesthesia and Sedation for dental treatment procedures.
The Anaesthetic Team consists of
- Consultant Paediatric Anaesthetist from Our Lady's Hospital for Sick Children Crumlin
- Operating Theatre Nurse Specialist
- Recovery Nurse
The use of GA and Sedation Techniques is an integral part of child management in Paediatric Dentistry. Our paediatric specialist Anaesthetic Team facilitates this.
I Don't Wanna Brush!
The last thing parents want to do is struggle with 3- and 4-year-olds over brushing teeth. When children resist the toothbrush, they...
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Children’s teeth begin forming before birth. As early as 4 months, the first primary (or baby) teeth to erupt through the gums are... Read more...You are here: Home - What We Do
01 288 1279
Child and Adolescent Dentistry and Ortodontic